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作者:佚名  文章来源:海天教育  点击数  更新时间:2010-1-9 16:02:55  文章录入:billlee322  责任编辑:billlee

写100 个字左右
January 8, 2010
To whom it may concern,
The Conference of International Integration will be held next month in Beijing in xx University. The
Postgraduate’s Association has set a preparation committee to organize this conference. Therefore, we are in need
of volunteers to help us organize the relevant affairs of the conference, including reception, distribution of
documents, technical support, etc. Students who have previous experience as volunteers are preferred. Basic
knowledge in computer, fluent oral English and an amicable personality are some of the qualities we desire.
Volunteers shall be available for at least 3 days during the conference. No excuses of absence will be accepted
once you are one of our volunteers. If you are interested in this job and are willing to have a whole new
experience in this semester. Please do not hesitate to send your resume to xxx@hotmail.com. Thank you.
Postgraduate’s Association

二、根据下图写一篇160~200 个单词的文章,
The picture showed us a boiling hotpot of various forms of both domestic and alien culture. The hodgepodge
could be categorized as literature, moral values and performing arts. As far as I am concerned, the picture
characterizes the status quo of Chinese society in which Chinese and Western culture conflict with each other but
also merge into a unique form to a certain degree. In the highly-integrated world today, no country is an isolated
island. Every nation is faced with miscellaneous alien culture, roaring to overwhelm the domestic cultureand
China is no exception. However, it does not mean the foreign culture shall be eliminated or eradicated. It is up to
the option of the tasters of hotpot, or in other words, the Chinese people to exact the essence of this combination,
be it Chinese or Western, and to take full advantage of the world has in store for us.

1. 科学家赶紧拿出某种不确定的证据来营救,意思是如果鸟无法控制虫子,虫子就会吃光人类。
2. 但是我们至少与这样一种观点接近了,鸟类的生物权应该续存,而不管它对我们是否有经济利益。
3 生物学家游戏有些过度,这些物种通过掌握弱者或者捕食那些它们认为无价值的物种的证据时段