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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2014-1-6 15:32:58  文章录入:teng91  责任编辑:teng91

Text 3

31. A a symbol of the entrepreneurs’ wealth.

32. B the founders of the new awards.

33. D the demonstration of research foundings

34. A their endurance has done justice to them

35. A acceptable despite the criticism


Text 4

36. A critical

37. C keep a leading position in liberal education

38. A an exclusive study of American history

39. D biased against classical liberal ideas.

40. B illiberal education and "the Heart of the Matter".

点评:本文是一篇关于教育的论述性文章。选自The Wall Street Journal。美国出台了一个新的关于通识教育的报告,但却忽略了通识教育在大学教育阶段本质上的非通识性。虽然通识教育较为贴近大学的学习生活,但本篇文章理解起来还是比较抽象的,有一定难度。大家平时可以对相关的一些概念有所了解,帮助理解文意。