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    考研英语应用文写作:简 历
考研英语应用文写作:简 历
责任编辑:billlee322  作者:佚名  来源:转自网络   更新时间:2008-11-7 23:11:23

简 历

结构要点简历是个人经历的书面表达形式,应包含个人信息、教育背景和工作经历。有时还可包含事业目标(objective或career objective)、其他经历(activities)、获奖情况(awards)和特长(special skills)等。

29Suppose you are going to graduate from the university. Write a resumé in about 100 words to apply for a job. Do not use your own name, using “Li Ming” instead. RESUM
Personal Data:
Name:Li Ming
Address: Room 730, Dormitory Building 12,
Shanghai Medical University
Shanghai, 200300
Date of Birth:August 18, 1980
Place of Birth:Chengdu, Sichuan
Telephone:(021) 65337827, 13778109033
Hobbies:music, tennis, reading, traveling
Foreign Languages:English

Objective: To work as a pharmacist in the pharmacy department of your hospital

2003~PresentStudying at Shanghai Medical University
Master of Pharmacy
1998~2003Studying at Shanghai Second Medical University
Bachelor of Clinical Medicine
1995~1998Studying at Chengdu No.1 High School

Work Experience: None

Special Skills and Technical Qualifications:
I am professionally trained in pharmacy.
I had two years practice in all clinical departments of Xinhua Hospital and two years practice in the Pharmacy Department of Xinhua Hospital, which helped me gain practical skills and experience.
In addition to those, I can speak, write and read English fluently.

简 历

30Suppose you are Tan Wen,  English teacher at Taiyuan Institute of Technology. Write a resumé in about 100 words to apply for a new job in another city. Tan Wen
Taiyuan Institute of Technology
Taiyuan, Shanxi Province
Telephone: (0351) 6523787

Working as a lecturer of English at Taiyuan Institute of Technology
Teaching undergraduate (nonEnglish majors) intensive reading, extensive reading, listening, writing
Teaching graduate (nonEnglish majors) writing

Studying at Shanghai Teachers University
Master of Arts in American Studies
Studying at Shanxi University
Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature
Studying at Mianyang Senior High School

Studying at Mianyang No.5 Junior High School

Personal Data
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: June 27, 1976
Place of Birth: Mianyang, Sichuan, China
Marital Status: Married, without Child
Health: Excellent

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