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责任编辑:admin  作者:佚名  来源:不详   更新时间:2007-8-4 21:32:43

Passage 3

  Exceptional children are different in some significant way from others of the same age.For these children to develop to their full adult potential,their education must be adapted to those differences.

  Although we focus on the needs of exceptional children,we find ourselves describing their environment as well.While the leading actor on the stage captures our attention,we are aware of the importance of the supporting players and the scenery of the play itself.Both the family and the society in which exceptional children live are often the key to their growth and development.And it is in the public schools that we find the full expression of society''s understanding—the knowledge,hopes,and fears that are passed on to the next generation.

  Education in any society is a mirror of that society.In that mirror we can see the strengths,the weaknesses,the hopes,the prejudices,and the central values of the culture itself.The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens,whatever their special conditions,deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities.

  All men are created equal. We''ve heard it many times,but it still has important meaning for education in a democratic society.Although the phrase was used by this country''s founders to denote equality before the law,it has also been interpreted to mean equality of opportunity.That concept implies educational opportunity for all children—the right of each child to receive help in learning to the limits of his or her capacity,whether that capacity be small or great.Recent court decisions have confirmed the right of all children—disabled or not—to an appropriate education,and have ordered that public schools take the necessary steps to provide that education.In response,schools are modifying their programs,adapting instruction to children who are exceptional,to those who cannot profit substantially from regular programs.

  9.In paragraph 2,the author cites the example of the leading actor on the stage to show that.

  [A]the growth of exceptional children has much to do with their family and the society

  [B]exceptional children are more influenced by their families than normal children are

  [C]exceptional children are the key interest of the family and society

  [D]the needs of the society weigh much heavier than the needs of the exceptional children

  10.The reason that the exceptional children receive so much concern in education is that.

  [A]they are expected to be leaders of the society

  [B]they might become a burden of the society

  [C]they should fully develop their potentials

  [D]disabled children deserve special consideration

  11.This passage mainly deals with.

  [A]the differences of children in their learning capabilities

  [B]the definition of exceptional children in modern society

  [C]the special educational programs for exceptional children

  [D]the necessity of adapting education to exceptional children

  12.From this passage we learn that the educational concern for exceptional children.

  [A]is now enjoying legal support

  [B]disagrees with the tradition of the country

  [C]was clearly stated by the country''s founders

  [D]will exert great influence over court decisions


  文章结构:一枝独秀型。本文的核心概念是残疾儿童(exceptional children)的教育。由于本文是一篇社会科学方面的文章,所以阅读时还要注意作者对核心概念的态度:要让残疾儿童充分发展自己的潜能,必须调整对他们的教育,以适应他们与正常儿童的差异。然后作者指出重视残疾儿童的教育这一点反映了美国传统的价值观念——教育机会平等以及一种新思潮的出现。


  1.exceptional 残疾的;例外的,异常的(名词exception 除外,例外)


  3.potential 潜能,潜力;a.潜在的,可能的

  4.adapt (to)(使)适应;改编

  5.capture 捕获;夺取

  6.supporting player 配角

  7.scenery 舞台布景;风景

  8.the key to …的关键

  9.full expression 充分表达

  10.understanding 认知,理解;通情达理的

  11.pass on to 传递给

  12.weakness 缺点(反义词strength)

  13.prejudice 偏见;v.损害

  14.deserve 应该获得

  15.capability 能力;技能(形容词capable)

  16.democratic 民主的(= demo(人民)+crat(统治)+ic(的))

  17.denote 表示,代表(同根词note、notice——not表明)

  18.interpret 解释,说明;口译 the limit of 达到…的极限

  20.capacity 能力,容量(形容词capacious容量大的,宽敞的)

  21.modify 改变,修改(名词mode模式)

  22.substantially 真正地,实质地(名词substance)

  23.exert influence over 对…产生影响,给…施加影响(exert 施加,尽力)

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