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责任编辑:jijie0717  作者:佚名  来源:南开大学研究生院   更新时间:2008-6-21 20:46:34







姓  名: 周启星 暂时没有照片
所在院系: 环境科学与工程学院 
招生专业: 环境科学
主要职务: 环境科学与工程学院院长;长江学者;教授;博士生导师
;全国生态学名词审定委员会委员、污染生态学名词审定小组组长;中国化学会环境化学专业委员会委员;《Pedosphere》(SCI收录)副主编;《Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology》(SCI收录)、《Journal of Environmental Sciences》(SCI收录)和《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China》编委;《应用基础与工程科学学报》(EI收录)、《环境科学学报》、《应用生态学报》、《生态毒理学报》;
简  历: 1982.09—1986.07 浙江大学环境与资源学院学习,获学士学位
1986.08—1989.07 中国科学院应用生态研究所学习,获硕士学位1989.08—1992.07 中国科学院应用生态研究所学习,获博士学位1994.10—1997.03 浙江大学环境科学副教授,环境化学教研室主任1997.04—1998.12 英国女皇大学Honorary Research Fellow1999.01—2001.09 英国伦敦大学Advanced Research Fellow2001.10—2002.01 英国女皇大学Visiting 2005.01—至今 教育部长江学者特聘教授,南开大学环境科学与工程学院博士生导师2005.12—至今 南开大学环境科学与工程学院院长,教授,博士生导师
研究方向: 污染生态化学、分子生态毒理学、污染环境生态修复、污染控制生态学
研究成果: 代表性学术论文(标注*为通讯作者)
[1]Cui S, Zhou QX*, et al. 2007. Effects of exogenous chelators on phytoavailablilty and toxicity of Pb in Zinnia elegans jacq. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 146(1-2): 341-346
[2]Sun FH, Zhou QX*. 2007. Metal accumulation in the polychaete Hediste japonica with emphasis on interaction between heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons. Environmental Pollution, 149(1): 92-98
[3]Sun RL, Zhou QX*, et al. 2007. Antioxidative defense and praline/phytochelatin accumulation in a newly-discovered Cd-hyperaccumulator, Solanum nigrum L. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 60(3): 468-476
[4]Zhou QX*, et al. 2006. Technical innovation of land treatment systems for municipal wastewater in northeast China. Pedosphere, 16(3): 297-303
[5]Zhou QX*, et al. 2006. Toxic effects of acetochlor and methamidophos on earthworm Eisenia foetida in phaeozem, northeast China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 18(4): 741-745
[6]Wang ME, Zhou QX*. 2006. Joint stress of chlorimuron-ethyl and cadmium on wheat Triticum aestivum at biochemical levels. Environmental Pollution, 144(2): 572-580
[7]Sun RL, Zhou QX*, et al. 2006. Cadmium accumulation in relation to organic acids in leaves of Solanum nigrum L. as a newly-found cadmium hyperaccumulator. Plant and Soil, 285: 125-134
[8]Yu Y, Zhou QX*. 2006. Impacts of soybean growth on Cu speciation and distribution in two rhizosphere soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 42(5): 450-456
[9]Wei SH, Zhou QX*. 2006. Phytoremdiation of cadmium-contaminated soils by Rorippa globosa using two-phase planting. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 13(3): 151-155
[10]Wei SH, Zhou QX, et al. 2006. Flowering stage characteristics of Cd hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum L. and their significance to phytoremediation. Science of the Total Environment, 369(1-3): 441-446
[11]Wang ME, Zhou QX*. 2006. Effects of herbicide chlorimuron-ethyl on physiological mechanisms in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 64(2): 190-197
[12]Guo GL, Zhou QX*, et al. 2006. Availability and assessment of fixing additives for the in situ remediation of heavy metal contaminated soils: a review. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 116(1-3): 513-528
[13]Guo GL, Zhou QX*. 2006. Evaluation of heavy metal contamination in phaiozem of northeast China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 28(4): 331-340
[14]Zhou QX*, et al. 2005. Joint chemical flushing of soils contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons. Environment International, 31(6): 835-839
[15]Wang ME, Zhou QX*. 2005. Single and joint toxicity of chlorimuron-ethyl, cadmium, and copper acting on wheat Triticum aestivum. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 60(2): 169-175
[16]Yu Y, Zhou QX*. 2005. Adsorption characteristics of pesticides methamidophos and glyphosate by two soils. Chemosphere, 58(6): 811-816
[17]Wang XF, Zhou QX*. 2005. Ecotoxicological effects of cadmium on three ornamental plants. Chemosphere, 60(1): 16-21
[18]Zhang KS, Zhou QX*. 2005. Toxic effects of Al-based coagulants on Brassica chinensis and Raphanus sativus growing in acid and neutral conditions. Environmental Toxicology, 20(2): 179-187
[19]Wei SH, Zhou QX*, et al. 2005. A newly-discovered Cd-hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum L. Chinese Science Bulletin, 50(1): 33-38
[20]Wei SH, Zhou QX*, et al. 2005. Identification of weed plants excluding the absorption of heavy metals. Environment International, 31(6): 829-834
[21]Zhou QX*, et al. 2004. Inhibitory effects of reactive X-3B red dye (RRD) on iron uptake by three crops. Plant and Soil, 261(1-2): 155-162
[22]Zhou QX*, et al. 2003. Potential pollution and recommended critical levels of phosphorus in paddy soils of the southern Lake Tai area, China. Geoderma, 115(1-2): 45-54
[23]Zhou QX, et al. 2003. Tolerance and accumulation of the trace metals zinc, copper and cadmium in three populations of the polychaete Nereis diversicolor. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 83(1): 65-72
[24]Zhou QX*, et al. 2003. A risk factor analysis of municipal domestic refuse landfills using a reactor with high water input. Waste Management and Research, 21(4): 383-390
[25]Zhou QX*, et al. 2003. Effects of cadmium and mixed heavy metals on rice growth in Liaoning, China. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 12(6): 851-864
[26]Zhou QX*, et al. 2002. Effects of chromium (VI) on extractability and plant uptake of fluorine in agricultural soils of Zhejiang Province, China. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 133(1-4): 145-160
[27]Zhou QX*, et al. 2001. Evaluation of phosphorus bioavailability in sediments of three contrasting lakes in China and the UK. Chemosphere, 42(2): 221-225
[28]Zhou QX, et al. 2000. Long-term changes of nitrogen and phosphorus loadings to a large lake in north-west Ireland. Water Research, 34(3): 922-926
[1] 周启星 著. 1995. 复合污染生态学. 北京: 中国环境科学出版社
[2] 周启星, 等主编. 2004. 生态毒理学. 北京: 科学出版社
[3] 周启星, 等著. 2004. 污染土壤修复原理与方法. 北京: 科学出版社
[4] 周启星 主编. 2005. 健康土壤学—土壤健康质量与农产品安全. 北京: 科学出版社
[5] 周启星, 等编著. 2006. 生态修复. 北京: 中国环境科学出版社
[6] Zhou Qixing. Ecology of Combined Pollution. Oxford: Blackwell, in press
[1]周启星, 等. 生态安全复合高效絮凝剂, 发明专利, 受理号02109025.4, 受理时间2002.1.11
[2]张凯松, 周启星, 等. 一种生态安全复合型铁系高效絮凝剂, 发明专利, 授权号ZL 03110820.2, 授权时间2005.5.18
[3]张凯松, 周启星. 一种经济型无机-有机复合絮凝剂, 发明专利, 授权号ZL 03134172.1, 授权时间2005.6.22
[4]刘睿, 周启星, 等. 一种生态安全型天然复配絮凝剂及其制备和使用方法, 发明专利, 授权号ZL 2005 10045869.9,授权时间2007.6.13
获奖情况: ▲教育部长江学者特聘教授,2004
▲新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选(首批), 2004
▲生态安全复合高效絮凝剂研制及在水处理中的应用. 2005年辽宁省科技进步二等奖,排名第一
▲污染土壤的植物修复技术及应用. 2006年辽宁省科技进步二等奖,排名第一
▲中国科学院百人计划优秀团队奖, 2002
联系方式: 电话:022-23507800;
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