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责任编辑:lws6536  作者:佚名  来源:转自网络   更新时间:2015-12-1 15:58:09



    As is shown in the cartoon,on the boat sit two tourists, enjoying beautiful scenery while unconsciously throwing rubbishes to the lake on which all kinds of garbages float. Simple as the picture is, its symbolic meaning is as deep as ocean, and after a hard and long thought, it can be easily found out that the primary purpose of the drawer is to tell us that due attention should be paid to the environmental pollution.

    There is no denying that the quality of our environment has gone to worse due to the fact that people pursue the financial profits or individual comfort at the price of the environment. More and more phenomena, such as the white pollution and fog haze,pose a great treat to our environment. Because environment is closely related to our daily life and social development, we should take steps to protect it. In the first place, to improve people’s environmental awareness is indispensable to environmental protection.We are supposed to get into the habit of do not to leave litter in the public places.In the second place,we can try to ride bicycles or take buses to go to school or work, which can reduce harmful gas.Last but not least,it is high time that the government concerned took proper steps to solve the pollution,such as using the clean energy and making the environmental laws.By doing this can we relieve pollution stress to some extent.

    In summary,we still have a long way to go in this problem and accordingly,great efforts are essential to make in order to solve it.I am confident that so long as the whole society makes substantial and sustainable efforts, our environment will surely get better.


    As is vividly depicted in the drawing, in the middle stands a hot pot which contains many essential factors of Chinese culture and western civilization, such as humanity, Shakespeare and the like. Below the picture there is a caption which reads “ the cultural hot pot is both delicious and nutritious.” After a deep thought, it can easily found out that its symbolic meaning that cultural integration is valuable and necessary .

    As is reflected in the drawing, the cultural communication between western culture and Asian civilization has become quite a common phenomenon thanks to the advance of science and technology. Currently, there is no exaggeration in saying that it is the cultural integration that has boosted more and more frequent exchanges and deeper and deeper understanding among different nations, which contributes to broadening our horizons, enriching our experiences, and improving our life qualities. Overall, a growing number of people are paying more attention to cultural communication and take advantage of its progressive and reasonable ideas.

    In summary, to some extent, cultural integration plays an indispensable role in the mutual understanding and appreciation of different cultures and traditions among nations and peoples in the modern society. To maintain a sustained, healthy, rapid and coordinated economic development, we are supposed to make good use of this phenomenon and learns from the essences of foreign cultures and achievements.


    1. The general public is supposed to enhance their awareness that ...

    2. The central authority is expected to make comprehensive rules or regulations in regard to+名词/make plans with regard to+名词/set aside sufficient annual budget/cooperate internationally in solving problem/ cooperate regionally in promoting a situation.Besides, a supporting, monitoring or feedback mechanism must be built up without delay in order to prevent the disturbing situation from worsening off. Meanwhile, a task force, headed by the senior department officials, should be set up to keep track of the situation.

    3. The press is supposed to step up efforts by publicizing the importance of sth./the potential harm of sth.

    4. In this issue, researchers and experts are expected to work out up-to-date solutions.

    5. In view of the complexity of such an issue, we must treat it socially, economically and culturally.

    6. In a sense, it is not why it exists in our society, but what we should do to deal with it. (it 换成文中所讨论的问题)


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