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  文章结构:花开两朵型。作者在文章开始提出两个核心概念:private-enterprise(私人企业)和market-oriented (以市场为导向的),随后分段论述。这种文章的重点是两个概念的定义,以及它们之间的联系和区别。本文介绍了美国经济体系的主要特点:以市场为导向(其中供求关系决定价格),以私人企业为基础(其中私有财产包含生产资料和某些权利)。

  1. private-enterprise 私人企业

  2. market-oriented 以市场为导向的(orient 以…为方向(或目的),重视;为…定位(或方向))

  3. strive 争取,奋斗

  4. under pressure 面临压力,在压力之下

  5. motive目的,动机(同根词motivate驱使——mot运动)

  6. coupled with 与…相结合(=combined with.couple 结合,连接)

  7. maximize 使…最大化(maximum 最大的;n. 最大值)

  8. determine 决定,确定;决心

  9. factor 因素,要素(同义词element)

  10. resources 资源,财力;应付办法,谋略

  11. mechanism 机制,机理;方法

  12. respond to对…作出反应(文中的be resonded to是被动形式)

  13. in response to 作为对…的反应

  14. in short supply 供应不足(in ample supply供应充足)

  15. relative to 与…相比;有关,按照…比例(relative 相对的,比较的;n. 亲戚)

  16. bid up抬高(价格)(bid 报价,投标;命令;n. 出价,投标)

  17. eliminate 淘汰,使出局(名词elimination)

  18. commodity 商品(commerce商业)

  19. result in 导致(=give rise to)

  20. regulate 调节,管制(形容词regulatory)

  21. property 财产,资产;性质,特性

  22. gain control over 取得对…的控制

  23. for sale (用于)出售

  24. at a profit 赢利的(at a loss亏损的)

  25. embrace 包括;接受,信奉;拥抱(= em(进入)+brace(手臂),本义是“拥抱”,引申为“包括”等意思)

  26. ownership 所有(权),所有制

  27. overstate 把…讲得过分,夸大(名词overstatement.state说明,陈述)

  28. purchase 购买

  29. be characterized by 特征是,以…为特征(characterize以…为特征,描绘…的特性,用法与之类似的词有mark,如be marked by的意思也是“以…为特征”)


  1.The American economic system is organized around a basically private-enterprise,market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most.

  [结构分析] 本句是一个复合句,主干为The American economic system is organized around a …… economy,其中economy后面的which引导一个定语从句 in which consumers largely determine,修饰economy;这个定语从句的主语是consumers,谓语是determine,后面的宾语从句what shall be produced是determine的宾语;what shall be produced后面的分词结构by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most作状语,说明消费者决定应该生产什么产品的方式;句末的定语从句that they want most修饰goods and services.注意:本句的意思围绕主干中的表语economy展开,所以阅读时要先抓主干,再理枝叶,层层分析,直到完全理解。

  [参考译文] 美国的经济体系是围绕一个以私有企业和市场导向为主体的经济组织的。在这一体系中,消费者主要通过在市场上花钱购买那些他们最想要的产品和服务来决定厂家应该生产什么样的东西。

  2.Thus,in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers,coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes,that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it.

  [结构分析]本句是一个强调句,主干是It is …… that……,被强调的部分有三个:the demand of individual consumers,the desire of businessmen to maximize profits和the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes其中coupled with 和and起连接作用。在that 引导的部分中,determine作谓语,后面的两个从句what shall be produced 和how resources are used to produce it都是determine的宾语。

  [参考译文] 因此,在美国的经济体系中,个体消费者的需求,加上商人追求利润最大化的欲望和消费者个人对收入最大化的欲望,一起决定了厂家应该生产什么和如何利用资源来进行生产。

  3.An important factor in a market-oriented economy is the mechanism by which consumer demands can be expressed and responded to by producers.

  [结构分析]本句是一个复合句,其中by之前的部分为主干,by之后的部分是一个定语从句,是理解的难点所在,因为中国人一般不习惯阅读带介词的动词词组的被动形式,遇到这类问题时的解决办法是将被动结构(responded to by producers)转换为主动结构(producers respond to consumer needs),就是说在responded to by producers中,作出反应的是producers,反应所针对的对象是consumer demands.

  [参考译文] 在以市场为导向的经济中,很重要的一个因素就是用来表达消费者需求并使生产商能对消费者需求作出反应的机制。

  4.In the American economy,this mechanism is provided by a price system,a process in which prices rise and fall in response to relative demands of consumers and supplies offered by seller-producers.

  [结构分析]本句的主干是this mechanism is provided by a price system,后面的a process是a price system的同位语,而process后面的which引导的是一个定语从句,说明a price system的具体内容;定语从句的主干是prices rise and fall,后面的介词结构in response to…作状语,修饰rise and fall,而in response to后面带两个宾语:relative demands of consumers和supplies offered by seller-producers.

  [参考译文] 在美国经济中,这一机制是由价格体系来提供的。价格体系是一个过程,在这一过程中,价格随着消费者的相对需求和销售-生产商提供的供给而涨落。

  5.If,on the other hand,producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost,this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller-producers,which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product.

  [结构分析]本句是一个复合句,开始是if引导的一个条件从句,主语是动名词短语producing more of a commodity,谓语是results in,宾语是reducing its cost;主句的主干是this will tend to increase the supply…,supply 后面的分词结构offered by seller-producers后置作supply的定语,而句末的which引导一个非限定性定语从句,其中which指的是它前面的整个主句的内容。

  [参考译文] 另一方面,如果大量生产某种商品使其成本降低,这就会使销售-生产商提供的供给增加,从而使价格下降,并使更多的消费者能够购买该产品。

  6.In the American economy,the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights,including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract with another private individual.

  [结构分析]本句的主干为the concept embraces not only …… but also……,其中but also certain rights后面的部分including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract with another private individual修饰certain rights补充说明其范围。

  [参考译文] 在美国经济中,私有财产这一概念不仅包含生产资料的所有权,还包含某些权力,比如产品价格的决定权,以及和其他个人自由签订合同的权利。

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